If Moroccan tourism has been severely impacted by the pandemic and no one is able to predict the date of the end of this unprecedented crisis, the stimulus package presented Thursday, April 22 by Adel El Fakir has undoubtedly seduced the profession.

For once, the operators solicited by Médias24 were unanimous in praising the quality and relevance of its recovery plan, which will make it possible to be ready when the time comes.

“One of the best strategies implemented by the ONMT since 2007”

This is particularly the case of the vice-president of the National Confederation of Tourism, Fouzi Zemrani, yet known to spare no one and have easy relaxation when he considers a public action without interest.

“Without any exaggeration, the recovery plan presented by the CEO of the ONMT is undoubtedly one of the best strategies that the profession has known since 2007.

A plan that will offer the right tools to adapt to the post-Covid period

“Of an excellent quality, this strategy refreshes, not to say sweeps away, certain received ideas that the profession had on the markets and on the behavior of tourists.

“The ONMT did a good job but if everything is there, today it is up to us to take advantage of this study which is based on and was divided into 3 targets to be the big winners of recovery.

An onmt.com service dedicated to travel professionals

“The first is aimed at corporate, that is to say, all the people with whom we work to strengthen the Morocco destination such as tour operators, airlines, low-cost, travel agencies and all prescribers supposed to program the country internationally.

“For them, the office has created a specially dedicated service with a website called onmt.com”, Zemrani welcomes, assuring that it will simplify searches.

Marketing overhaul and better targeting of national tourists

“Knowing that there is a total incomprehension between the local consumer and the operators who are accused of not delivering the right product (too expensive, unsuitable …), the ONMT has decided to put everything back on the marketing plan with the creation of a site called Ntla9awfbladna.

“Thus, the great novelty will be to better target nationals, distinguishing between family tourism and that of singles. They have long been ignored even though they represent 30% of domestic overnight stays with a significant purchasing power that allows them to consume quality services.

A now identical offer for MRE and local tourists

“Even if they have a higher purchasing power, the MRE have been integrated by the ONMT in the same target as the locals for the good reason that they remain Moroccans who aspire to find products they lacked in their adopted country (gastronomy, better accommodation, etc.).

“All this to say that there will be a plethora of hotel accommodation offers for all budgets that will allow you to live the same experience as a foreigner staying in a 4 or even a 5 star.

“In this regard, the television commercials which will be broadcast soon are mainly focused on the experience side of national tourism and not on accommodation which is the most expensive part of the stay.

“A much richer site for international customers”

“Regarding the 3th An international target, the visitmorocco site will continue to exist but will be more focused on the video, images and sound part with capsules that will inspire dreams and make foreign customers want to come and visit Morocco, not to mention the essential support of social networks.

“Potential customers will have a wide choice of destinations by viewing streaming videos with image and sound quality that will help refine their searches to make up their minds.

A real start to the digital shift to respond when the time comes

“While we have been talking about it for years, the ONMT has finally really taken the step of digital promotion which was eagerly awaited and demanded by all tourist operators.

“If there will always be people who will find fault, the CNT was very excited by the work accomplished by the office which will allow us to be in the starting blocks when the time comes for the resumption”, concludes Zemrani who thinks that ‘in view of the epidemiological evolution in the European markets, it is domestic tourism which should raise the curtains before the return of foreigners.

“A study ahead of its time”

If Médias24 was not able to contact the leaders of the major regional tourism councils (Marrakech, Agadir, etc.) in Morocco, the response of the presidents of the CRTs of Rabat, Tangier and the Oriental only confirmed the enthusiasm of the CNT vice-president for the ONMT system.

Dithyrambic, Hassan Bargach who chairs the Regional Council of Rabat-Salé does not hesitate to qualify the work of the ONMT as remarkable, extremely structured and ahead of its time.

“This is the first time in the history of Moroccan tourism that we have the right to truly scientific work that will give the tools and the means to bounce back when the recovery begins.

Scientific work to better target customers

“We finally understood that digital was essential and that we had to study the profile of potential customers in order to send them dedicated messages without risking being wrong about their aspirations.

“Knowing that things are better structured, the work of promoting Morocco’s destinations will be simplified to attract more visitors, whether nationals or foreigners.

“From there, as soon as the recovery starts, we will be more ready to receive people who still want to travel”, concludes Bargach, adding that it will however be necessary to remain disciplined, in terms of health measures to protect and reassure people. clients.

“A plan that will make it possible to bounce back from the opening of borders”

For his part, Youssef Zaki, President of the CRT of the Oriental region (Oujda-Saïdia) confirms in turn that the office has made great efforts to adapt its promotion policy to the new health context.

“In my opinion, the ONMT did well to do this work so as not to be left behind at the time of the reopening of borders and the global recovery of the tourism sector”, concludes Zaki who also wishes to thank the office. to whom the CRTs manage to survive financially.

“A useful device while waiting for a real recovery plan”

Same story for Rkia Alaoui, president of the CRT of the Tanger-Tétouan-Al Hoceima region which considers useful the new marketing device of the office while refuting the name “plan of recovery”.

“The ONMT study which resulted in a new breakdown of targets is more than topical, knowing that the health context no longer allows us to work in the same way as before the pandemic.

“However, it should be noted that this work is not really a plan because, by Adel El Fakir’s own admission, we will have to wait a little longer before learning about the real measures which will make it possible to support the recovery”, delays Alaoui in the meantime. the publication of such a stimulus plan.