Conversely, Normandy, the Center-Val de Loire region and to a lesser extent Brittany, suffered lower losses activity, probably benefiting from short stays by domestic customers in the Ile-de-France region and a less internationalization of their customers as a lesser part of business in their respective tourist economies.
The tourism, accommodation, leisure and catering sectors are still among the most affected by the crisis and the health restrictions.
Airline order books at 3 and 6 months are thus still very low., even if there are points of improvement in certain markets, such as Israel, which may lead to anticipation of a recovery as vaccination coverage increases in all countries.
In the hotel sector, February confirmed the persistence of very degraded activity levels. The opening rates of hotels, which had recovered in the fall, fell again during the winter period.
In February 2021, only 60% of the rooms usually open in hotels in intramural Paris were offered for sale. The occupancy rate, calculated for the entire fleet, is 13.6%.
b[Le chiffre d’affaires hébergement par chambre construite [RevPAR] collapsed by -86.2%]b to settle on average at 13.5 euros per day. In the regions, the opening rate is higher, at 84% of the usual capacity. Demand is holding up slightly better than in Paris and occupancy rates generally reach 30%.
In this context of very low activity, Normandy, Brittany and the Center-Val de Loire region seem to benefit from the flow of customers from the Ile-de-France region.
On the other hand, the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes and Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur regions remain penalized by the absence of international customers, in the mountains or on the coast, and, as in Paris, suffer from the cancellation of many business events. .