Nouvelle-Aquitaine is the region that recorded the most purebred puppy births in 2020. The darling is the English setter, ahead of the German Shepherd and the Golden Retriever.
The dog is more than ever man’s best friend in our region. According to the very serious calculations of the Société centrale canine (SCC), the year 2020 confirmed the interest of the French for these faithful companions, and in particular for purebred dogs, referenced in the French Book of Origins (LOF) .
The darling of the NeoAquitains is the English setter, which recorded the most births in the region in 2020 (1,881 registrations in the LOF). Next come the Australian Shepherd (1,879) and the Golden Retriever (1,700).
7 million dogs in France
According to the SCC, of the 7 million dogs in France, 2.5 million of them are thoroughbred. Nouvelle-Aquitaine is the region with the most breeders in France (2,244). She alone recorded 31,507 puppy births in 2020, of 186 different breeds.
Nationally, the Australian Shepherd is for the 3e consecutive year the favorite dog breed of the French, with 16,782 births. The Staffordshire bull terrier takes second place, and the Belgian Shepherd brings up the rear.
2020 celebrated the year of the “R”: “Ruby” was the most popular name for males, and “Rio” for females. The year 2021 will be that of the “S”.