A national competition for innovative ideas in favor of the revival of domestic tourism has been launched, with the aim of promoting the spirit of initiative among young people.
Launched at the initiative of the Ministry of National Education, Vocational Training, Higher Education and Scientific Research, the Ministry of Tourism, Crafts, Air Transport and Social Economy and the Moroccan tourism engineering company, this competition is open from May 20 to June 14 to students enrolled in different higher education institutions in Morocco.
According to a press release from the organizers, this competition, which aims to upgrade and enhance the quality, competitiveness and sustainability of the national tourism offer, covers two categories, namely the development of products and services capable of boosting demand for domestic tourism and the development of innovative digital and technological services to promote the attractiveness of domestic tourism.
This competition is endowed with prizes intended for the three best projects, of a value respectively, of 70,000 DH, 20,000 DH and 10,000 DH, underlines the press release, specifying that the modalities of participation and the conditions of application are available on the link (https://smit.gov.ma/concours/).