By 2025, Benin hopes to double the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of tourism. This is what the 2021-2023 Multiannual Budgetary and Economic Programming Document (DPBEP) provides.

To achieve this objective, the government intends to strengthen the material and immaterial bases of Beninese culture. According to the objectives reported by the economist, it is a question of increasing and improving the tourist offer. In this sense, it will notably be a question of the development of tourist sites and their access routes; capacity building of human resources; improving the quality of tourism products and the licensing system; the consolidation of the tourism statistical system and the establishment of the tourism satellite account. So many actions that will ultimately promote domestic tourism.

Thus, from 2021, the government has set itself the priorities of promoting the “destination Benin”; continuation of the program for the preservation and enhancement of the cultural heritage and the natural heritage of a cultural nature; continued construction of cultural arenas; the promotion of the cultural economy, the continuation and completion of the rehabilitation works of the buildings of the National Library, departmental libraries and public reading centers. To all this is added the deepening of the operationalization of cultural classes; the promotion of cultural enterprises and industries and the dissemination of artistic and cultural products and works on the national, regional and international markets; and the promotion of talents in the field of culture.

FAA; Real time information

October 26, 2020 by F. Aubin Ahéhéhinnou