FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:                        

CONTACT:  Lora Rakowski; [email protected] 


Teachers of the Year Selected By and Represent All 24 Maryland School Systems;
Cohort Features Instructors for Grade Levels Pre-Kindergarten through High School

BALTIMORE, MD (June 4, 2021)  –  Yesterday in a virtual summit, Maryland State Superintendent of Schools Karen B. Salmon, Ph.D. joined the top 24 teachers across the State, named as the 2021-2022 Teachers of the Year representing each local school system. A highly competitive, prestigious designation, the teachers will form a cohort that will work together to support equity and excellence in education and address critical policy issues over the next year.

“Congratulations to our Teachers of the Year – you represent the great teachers of Maryland, who inspire, lead and support our children every day,” said Governor Larry Hogan. “Too often our teachers are unsung heroes, but our Teacher of the Year program provides an opportunity to celebrate their meaningful work and commitment. Our state’s dedicated educators have kept our students safe and learning during this difficult time, and I’m especially proud of our teachers’ perseverance, ingenuity, and compassion.”

The 24 educators were selected by their school systems for outstanding commitment to education, equity and community leadership. They represent grade levels from pre-kindergarten through high school and teach in a variety of subject areas including Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, Computer Science and Visual Arts.

“Our State’s teachers are passionate, highly-skilled and certified professionals who dedicate themselves to nurturing, mentoring and educating our children. Every day they make a difference and go above and beyond expectations,” said State Superintendent of Schools Karen B. Salmon, Ph.D. “Our Maryland Teachers of the Year distinguish themselves by setting an unparalleled benchmark for public service, creativity and love of learning. As a cohort, they will help lead us forward as we bridge to the future and emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic.”

The local winners will compete for the title of Maryland Teacher of the Year – to be announced virtually during a Maryland Public Television Special taking place on October 7, 2021. The individual selected Maryland Teacher of the Year will also compete with all the other state winners across the country for the title of National Teacher of the Year.

The mission of the Maryland Teacher of the Year Program is to honor, promote and celebrate excellence in the teaching profession. The program values the contributions of classroom teachers, who help Maryland children flourish. Teacher quality and effectiveness is the most important school-based factor impacting student learning.

Winning Teachers of the Year from Each County and Baltimore City:

Allegany County Public Schools
Nicholas Amick, Allegany High School, English, Grade 9

Anne Arundel County Public Schools
Jing Dai, Meade High School, Chinese, Grades 9-12

Baltimore City Public Schools
Sidney Thomas, Holabird Academy, Social Studies, Grades 7-8

Baltimore County Public Schools
Brianna Ross, Deer Park Middle Magnet School, Social Studies, Grade 6

Calvert County Public Schools
Jennifer Rachic, Calvert Career & Technology Academy, CTE/Academy of Health Professions,
Grades 11-12

Caroline County Public Schools
Michelle Foster, Colonel Richardson High School, English, Grades 9-12

Carroll County Public Schools
Dawnella Dill, Century High School, English, Grades 9-12 

Cecil County Public Schools
Mary Spence, Elkton High School, English Language Arts, Grades 9-12

Charles County Public Schools
Alexis Eaton, Dr. James Craik Elementary School, Grade 4 

Dorchester Public Schools
Amy Stoops, Hurlock Elementary School, Grade 2   

Frederick County Public Schools
Jennifer Perez Ryan, West Frederick Middle School, English, Grades 6-8

Garrett County Public Schools
Lindsay Krisher, Southern Garrett High School, Computer Science, Grades 9-12

Harford County Public Schools
Lauren Byrd, Hickory Elementary School, Grade 1

Howard County Public Schools
Amy Woolf, Oakland Mills Middle School, Science/Biology, Grade 7

Kent County Public Schools
Caren R. B. Saunders, Kent County High School, Social Studies/Psychology/TAM CTE,
Grades 10-12 (Teacher Academy of MD)

Montgomery County Public Schools
Joseph D. Bostic, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Middle School, Math, Grade 8

Prince George’s County Public Schools
Adrin Leak, DuVal High School, English, Grade 10

Queen Anne’s County Public Schools
Stephanie MacKenzie, Sudlersville Middle School, English, Grade 8

St. Mary’s County Public Schools
April Ryan, George Washington Carver Elementary School, Visual Art, Grades PreK-5

Somerset County Public Schools
Jon Logan Webster, Crisfield Academy & High School, Social Studies, Grades 10-12

Talbot County Public Schools
Lauren Greer, St. Michael Middle High School, CTE/Science, Grades 9-12 

Washington County Public Schools
Caroline Schlegel, Smithburg High School, Spanish, Grades 9-12 

Wicomico County Public Schools
Dustin Thomas, Prince Street Elementary, Physical Education & Health, Grades PreK-5

Worcester County Public Schools
Aarti Sangwan, Worcester Technical High School, Physics, Pre-Engineering, Computer Science,
Grades 9-12 


Maryland Teachers of the Year Recognition June 3 2021

Maryland Teachers of the Year Recognition 2020 – 2021