CRITICAL – The Mucem confronts its collections of popular, humble and ingenious arts, and some twenty works by Jeff Koons, stars of the market. The Old World and the New World happily respond to each other in a dapper scenography reminiscent of circus games. A revelation, even for those who hate the artist, dear to François Pinault.

Special envoy to Marseille

What common point between crowns and wedding bouquet under a globe, inherited from the XIXe, a Christ in the Sacred Heart under glass, banal mid-XX piled objecte, and one of Jeff Koons’ famous vacuum cleaners transformed into ready-made in their acrylic boxes which caused a scandal in the royal apartments in Versailles in 2008 (New Hoover Convertible, New Shelton Wet / Dry 10 Gallon Doubledecker, nineteen eighty one)? The globe that surrounds the object with a precious halo and gives it increased value, like a new star born under the spotlight of the red carpet. Giving importance to the mundane, like Marcel Duchamp, celebrating everyday life by transforming a tool, a utensil, a straw braid, a figurine or a jug into an object of art, this is also the common point between the popular arts scientifically collected by the Mucem (Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilizations) in Marseille and the most pop of contemporary artists, Jeff Koons, 66,

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