For two years now, Instagram has put forward the idea of ​​removing the likes counter. A test phase has since been carried out on a global scale, without the measurement being generalized. However, things seem to be clearing up.

We have just learned that the platform is launching a new series of tests to allow its users to hide the likes counter on the publications of other users. They can also choose the same option for their own account. In the process, Facebook also announced that it would do the same.

Influencers are rather opposed to this deletion

To explain the delay on this file, Instagram explains that the covid-19 forced the service to review its priorities last year. The work can now continue and the platform will now analyze the comments that its users have sent to it on this subject. It seems that opinions are very different.

While some are delighted with a reduction in anxiety caused by the race to like, others on the contrary still want to benefit from this data to follow the trends and the most popular accounts. This is especially the case for influencers, creators, and people involved in marketing, for whom this information is invaluable. They also fear that the disappearance of the like will generate a lower engagement rate that would directly affect their income.

With this new test phase, the duration of which has not been specified, Instagram and Facebook will therefore leave more choices to their users. It is carried out on a global scale but currently only concerns a limited number of accounts. If you are affected, the new option is available in the application settings. Note that creators can still view the number of likes, even if they choose to hide their counter.

As a reminder, in July 2019, Instagram defended its choice to remove the counter by explaining: ” We want your friends to focus on the photos and videos you share, not how many likes they get. You can still see your own likes by tapping on the list of people who liked a post, but your friends won’t be able to see how many likes your post has received.