Lovely Warren and Malik Evans, side by side

One candidate in the Rochester mayoral primary served 14 years on the city school board, including five as president. The other is the self-proclaimed education mayor who made schools the centerpiece of her first two successful campaigns.

It is striking, then, that with just days left before the June 22 primary, education has been mostly absent from the campaign conversation.

It scarcely came up during the two debates between Malik Evans, the challenger and former school board president, and Lovely Warren, the incumbent. Evans has touted his “youth opportunity agenda,” which has more to do with jobs and recreation than education, while Warren largely has been occupied with parrying a set of scandals, including the arrest last month of her husband on drug trafficking charges.

Instead, schooling has been crowded out by other issues, in particular police reform in the aftermath of the death of Daniel Prude.