How do I download music from my iPhone is among the most frequently asked questions from people who are new to the iPhone. Using iTunes to synchronize an iPhone library with a computer has long been regarded as an outdated paradigm. To help those who are new to the process, here are the basics.

We are going to start by clarifying that we will show how to download legally on the iPhone by not using unofficial or unlicensed services that provide it for free. It is possible for deceptive advertising to hide malware, so cheap can turn out to be costly. Downloading music to your iPhone with the help of apple music downloader is a matter of choosing a service.

A music streaming service, such as Apple Music, Spotify, Deezer, Tidal or Amazon Music Unlimited, is the best and most convenient way to download songs from your iPhone. There are some of these services that offer free trial periods or modalities, but downloading music requires an ongoing subscription. These services include music catalogs that reach more than 75 million songs, such as apple music.

From Spotify and apple music, we will show you how to download music from your iPhone. Browse Spotify for albums and playlists to find the download button. It will be a circle with an arrow pointing down:

You can legally download the songs from a Wi-Fi network or from the 4G or 5G mobile network without problems. The download will occupy local storage space on your iPhone, in addition to your automatic backup that you do with a Mac or through iCloud; but in return you can listen to the songs even offline when you are traveling. If you want to delete the downloads, just press the same button again.

In Apple Music you can also find the download button at the top of the interface:

You can delete the download by clicking on the same button again, or through the button with the ellipsis next to it along with other options. In other services such as Tidal, Amazon Music Unlimited or Deezer, the system is very similar.

The subscription fee to these music services is usually 9.99 euros per month, although there are usually offers such as 4.99 euros per month for Apple Music for students or family promotions with which to save money by bringing together several people. In the case of Apple Music, we can also opt for an Apple One plan of 14.95 euros per month with which to also enjoy other services such as Apple Arcade and Apple TV +.

Other options to download your music on the iPhone

As an alternative, we can mention free third-party solutions such as AppCloud Music (we analyzed it a few years ago), which can play the audio files that you have digitized from your CDs and stored in a cloud such as OneDrive, Google Drive or Dropbox. It’s like a classic iTunes library, but stored online and accessible from the iPhone instead of being stored locally.

Uploading digitally digitized files to those storage services requires the previous step of uploading your files, which will depend on the amount of storage you have available. Apple’s iTunes software is also available on PC, although we are waiting for its renewal on Microsoft operating systems.

As a last solution, although you would already have to depend on a Mac, you can legally synchronize the music library you have on it to an iPhone by connecting the phone to the computer using a cable. This can be useful when you want to digitize music that you have on physical media (CDs), something that for now is still possible with the Music application in apple music downloader

There is still an iTunes application for the PC, although we are awaiting its revival in Microsoft’s operating system since Apple discontinued its own iTunes application several years ago.