WhatsApp is seeing uses for its messaging app leaking to competing services including Signal and Telegram.
They would now be millions to turn their backs on him. Since the announcement of new terms of use, which entail mandatory data sharing with Facebook, WhatsApp has seen its users flee.
The first figures fell in the UK. Based on data provided by App Annie, and relayed by the Guardian, WhatsApp dropped from 8th to 23rd place among the most downloaded applications in the country, on iOS and Android.
At the same time, the two competing services, Signal and Telegram, are enjoying a record increase in their number of users. Signal was in this case the most downloaded application by the British on January 9, 2021, a few days after the controversial announcement of WhatsApp.
500 million Telegram users
In the first three weeks of January, Signal gained 7.5 million users compared to 25 million for Telegram, which now claims nearly 500 million followers. These two applications are intended to be more respectful of the privacy of their users and less greedy in personal data.
Faced with the outcry caused by its new terms of use, WhatsApp backpedaled last week, and postponed their entry into force for three months. These will therefore take effect in May, and no longer on February 8.
The update in question will allow Facebook client companies to use WhatsApp users’ data to better communicate with them. Certain information such as transactions, but also the telephone number or the IP address may be used by its professional customers using messaging as a customer relationship interface.
As a reminder, WhatsApp claims nearly two billion users worldwide.