Every week, The newspaper, in collaboration with the firm Léger, unveils a probe on a variety of subjects that affect you from near or far. Our Barometer thus measures what makes you vibrate or frown as a Quebecker, young and old, francophone, anglophone or allophone, in Montreal or in the region.

Which of the following sports do you practice?

1. Walking / hiking: 61%

Aktivurlaub im Frühling bei einer Wanderung im Wald

Courtesy photo

2. Road cycling: 22%

Selective focus shot of professional road cyclist riding down wet and windy mountain road in forest, on aero road bike from carbon

Adobe stock photo

3. Swimming: 16%

Professional man swimmer inside swimming pool.  Underwater panoramic image.

Adobe stock photo

4. Running: 14%

Young man running

Adobe stock photo

5. Gym training: 14%

Athletic young couple with battle rope doing exercise in functional training fitness gym.

Adobe stock photo

6. Fishing: 12%

7. Mountain hiking: 11%

8. Dance: 10%

9. Snowshoeing: 9%

10. Yoga / Pilates: 9%

11. Golf: 8%

12. Skating: 8%

13. Alpine skiing: 7%

14. Cross-country skiing: 6%

15. Tennis: 6%

16. Hockey: 6%

17. Bowling: 5%

18. Kayaking: 5%

19. Baseball: 5%

20. Hunting: 4%

21. Zumba: 4%

22. Soccer: 4%

23. Aerobic: 4%

24. Roller skate: 4%

25. Mountain biking: 4%


The survey was carried out in two stages. LEO (Leger Opinion) panelists were asked an open question to submit their favorite sports. Then, a scientific survey was carried out among a thousand representative Quebecers from June 5 to 7, 2021 on the basis of the most mentioned sports. Only the 25 most mentioned sports are presented in this barometer.

  • Philippe Leger, The Journal of Montreal

The observation

Walking, cycling, swimming, running and training in the gym are the five most popular sports activities. Aside from walking, age defines the sports we practice: at 20, we run more, at 30, we train more, at 40, we swim more, at 50, we pedal more and at 65, you fish no longer.

The surprise

We now find 22% of Quebecers who ride a road bike, probably the sign of a new pandemic trend. 12% would practice fishing, especially the North Shore and Gaspésiens. And 10% would take up dancing, especially young people between the ages of 18 and 24 and women.


Of the sports we play the most, nine out of 10 sports are associated with summer. Winter is, for many, a long period of hibernation. We work and we wait for winter to pass. And in summer, we get moving: we walk, we cycle, we swim, we golf and we fish. Until winter returns …

Quebecers love their “little walk”

  • Joseph Facal, The Journal of Montreal

These results confirm what everyone sees if they have eyes to see, and they are easily explained.

Why is walking, by far, by far, the most popular physical activity in Quebec?

Because it is the easiest to practice, costs nothing, does not require a good initial physical condition, does not require heavy collective infrastructures, and also because a number of people undoubtedly consider having made their “little walk”. »By going to the convenience store.

It is also an activity that can be practiced at all ages, but which is particularly suitable for older people. However, Quebec is aging.

I am going to share with you a little truth of elementary sociology: the demography of a society is the most reliable predictor of all. You can change your opinion or your income, but no age.

I am amazed and skeptical when I see the 3rd row swimming. Swimming, when taken seriously, is an incredibly demanding and lonely sport. When you do laps in your lane, you don’t chat and your whole body works.

Swimming or paddling?

How many people say they swim when in fact they are splashing around in their pool with friends?

The fresh little rosé and the bowl of crisps shouldn’t be far, I’m sure. Forgive my frankness … it’s because I’m part of the group.

Quebec has a long and harsh winter. Yet winter sports are low in the rankings. It is the racket, in 9th place, which dominates.

The explanation is simple: winter sports are often expensive. Have you recently seen the price of a pair of skis, a day ticket, a pair of skates? And you have to go to the mountains or reserve your ice time.

Choose the one you want, but get moving!

Make the difference

Do the results of this survey make you react? Send us your opinion letters to participate in the discussion at the following address: [email protected]

Would you like to take surveys too?

Subscribe to LEO, the Léger panel: https://bit.ly/3raMw62