The most popular baby names in New Brunswick for 2020 are Olivia and Liam (all linguistic communities), according to the provincial government.

Olivia is the first name given to girls for the fourth year in a row. He is followed by Amelia, Emma, ​​Charlotte, Violet, Ella, Scarlett, Ellie, Ava, Sophie and Mia.

The most popular first names for boys after Liam are Noah, Jack, Jackson, Benjamin, Lincoln, William, Oliver, Thomas and Jacob.

Service New Brunswick reports that 1026 different first names were given to boys and 1174 different first names were given to girls during the past year.

The latter are however less numerous (2579) to have been born than the boys (2824).

“Congratulations to all the new parents,” said Service New Brunswick Minister Mary Wilson. It’s been a difficult year in many ways, but the arrival of these babies must be celebrated. ”

A total of 5,403 children were born in the province in 2020. This is not much compared to previous years: 6,318 in 2019, 6,390 in 2018, 6,543 in 2017 and 6,679 in 2016.

In 2015, for the first time, deaths began to exceed births in New Brunswick. This trend will continue until 2027, according to the provincial government’s population growth strategy.