LITTLE ROCK — The Arkansas Department of Education has awarded $118,700 to 179 students and 36 schools for achieving qualifying scores on Advanced Placement computer-science exams.
An additional $35,000 was awarded to six schools for their efforts to increase enrollment in computer science courses.
“Schools, both large and small, around the state have embraced the Arkansas Computer Science initiative, as demonstrated by strong student achievement on Advanced Placement exams and enrollment increases in computer science classes,” Arkansas Education Secretary Johnny Key said. “I encourage students and educators to embrace the countless computer science learning opportunities that build essential academic and workforce skills needed for the jobs of tomorrow.”
For a qualifying score of 5 on the Advanced Placement Computer Science A exam that was administered August 2019 through May 2020, a student received $1,000, with the student’s school receiving $250. For a qualifying score of 4 on the exam, the student received $750, with the school receiving $150. And for a qualifying score of 3, a student received $250, with the school receiving $50.
The top 10 schools in terms of award totals:
• Fayetteville High School: $12,800
• Bentonville West High School: $11,350
• Haas Hall Academy in Fayetteville: $10,100
• Bentonville High School: $8,550
• Valley View High School: $6,750
• eStem High School in Little Rock: $6,200
• Little Rock Central High: $6,060
• Fort Smith Southside High School: $5,500
• Conway High School: $4,850
• Springdale Har-Ber High School: $4,350
The state Department of Education also rewarded schools for encouraging students to enroll in high school computer-science courses.
In the under-1,000-student category, Greenwood Freshman Center received $10,000 for having the highest number and highest percentage of students enrolled in computer-science courses.
Blevins High School received $5,000 for having the largest percentage increase of students enrolled in the courses.
In schools with more than 1,000 students, Arkansas High School received $5,000 for having the highest percentage of students enrolled in computer-science courses. Benton-ville High received $5,000 for having the highest number of students enrolled in computer science.
Siloam Springs High School Conversion Charter received $5,000 for having the largest percentage increase of students enrolled in computer-science courses.
Annie Camp Jr. High School in the Jonesboro School District won the random drawing prize package worth $5,000 that was announced in 2020. The school can use the grant to support the future growth of computer classes. Schools received entries in this random drawing for their high enrollment percentages, growth in overall computer-science enrollment, and high percentages of girls enrolled in computer courses.