There was no surprise. Not even suspense. Alain Rousset, the outgoing president of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Regional Council was reelected on Friday July 2, by a large majority for a little over six years, that is to say March 2028 with 109 votes out of the 183 in the hemicycle.

Alain Rousset, who was installed at the back of the hemicycle while waiting for the elected officials to slip their ballot into the ballot box under the watchful eye of the oldest member, Jean-Pierre Raynaud, vice-president in charge of agriculture during of the previous term, only found in front of him Edwige Diaz, the president of the National Rally group in the assembly.

“The victory of our project is a huge source of pride. During the previous term of office, we succeeded in a difficult exercise: the merger of three former regions which today form what Aquitaine has been in its history. I am proud of the project that we have carried far beyond the members of the majority: fair, ecological, united. ”

Alain Rousset invited all elected officials to work in co-construction.

But Alain Rousset remains “humble. I am fully aware of the dangers and threats to our democracy. The greatest concern is the record abstention. The role of decentralized public authorities needs to be clarified. The time has come for the de-infantization of our territories. France is not at risk of disintegration, including with its regional languages. To bring voters back to the polls, to restore the taste for the general interest, our united forces will not be too much. At the dawn of a new and fairly long term of office, my door will always be open to you. Co-construction is not an empty word. Tomorrow will be the soul of our public policies ”.

Ecological transition, policy matrix

And to list its ambitions for the region: economic development, employment, reindustrialisation, health. Alain Rousset has also developed his environmental velocities. “We must make the environmental transition the matrix of our policies by accelerating and generalizing Neo Terra. 2030 is our target for phasing out pesticides, in particular. Our green new deal must be shared and snowballed. We have to convince with hope and hope. The Regional Council must take on this challenge. We have made a lot of progress. “

A large part of the 183 elected representatives took their places in the hemicycle for the first time.

Nicolas Thierry, president of the Europe-Ecology – Les Verts group presented himself as the first opponent to the president of the region. Very offensive he presented his Republican congratulations before launching a series of sharp attacks against Alain Rousset.

“The abstention reflects a deep crisis. The citizens are no longer listening. We must question ourselves to regenerate the link. We are elected poorly elected ”.

Nicolas thierry

And to continue on the environmental transition without less vehemence. “It is imperative to preserve the conditions that make our planet habitable. The time is no longer for empty words. Now is the time for lucidity and courage. “.

And to ask, as during the campaign, for an “ecological transition in social justice. We will not be there for small steps. Today we are worried. You will have to do what you have never done: a policy with the right level of ambition because the great upheaval announced never came. You have a huge responsibility. If you fail history will only remember that from your passage. “

“Your election is a stinging failure while 67% of voters did not vote for you”

For Edwige Diaz, president of the Rassemblement national group, “this election is a gigantic democratic fiasco. It shows the incompetence of the government. I wondered if there was a minister left in a department when it came time to send mail to voters. With the Macronists, the decay of the state is underway. In France, if nobody knows who does what anymore, it is because your political choices have created an abyssal chasm between elected officials and voters. Everyone will have noticed that your score is a sham. 67% of voters did not vote for you. What a stinging failure. And you succeeded in resuscitating the Communist Party which had disappeared from our assembly ”.

As for the rest of the mandate, Edwige Diaz has already announced that “voters can count on us to defend a fair social model, the good use of public funds, promote the forgotten territories of the region, preserve the power of buying Neo-Aquitains when you only think of taxing them ”.

Edwige Diaz.

The leader of the RN, whose list came second in the elections, also regretted that he was “refused the presidency of the finance committee when we are the first opposition in the assembly. But it is true that we would have been less docile than the group you have chosen. You did not respond to my request to sit on high school boards. What tampering will you find so as not to allow it? »And to warn that the RN will be« a firm, vigilant and constructive opposition, uncompromising defenders of the neo-Aquitaine ».

“Attentive to regional planning and economic development files”

Guillaume Guérin, leader of Les Républicains, indicated that “our group will be attentive to major regional planning and economic development issues, particularly in the north of the region. Having got rid of the EELV elected officials of whom he was hostage, Alain Rousset now has an obligation of result and no longer only of means. If nothing is done, he will not be able to say that it is the fault of the others. But Alain Rousset should not rush into the territories. “

Guilaume Guérin

Neither the Republican group, nor that of Europe-Ecology – The Greens, nor even the Modem-LREM, whose leader Geneviève Darrieussecq, Minister delegate for veterans on a memorial trip to Verdun, and therefore absent, have wished to present a candidate.

Olivier Chapperon