The full press release

The Société des courses hippiques de Vitteaux, for its 63rd year of racing and the 90th edition, announces a big change for this year 2021.

Indeed, if the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic allow it, the races will take place this year from SUNDAY, MAY 30, 2021.

The Center Est Races Federation, which establishes the race calendar each year, has changed the order of the races taking place at the Vitteaux racecourse. The reason is that for several years, in August, the state of the grass track has been difficult to pass due to the state of drought observed.

We were therefore asked to schedule the first races on Sunday May 30, 2021

It is evident that this change of date was particularly difficult to accept as the August races are the most popular of the two annual meetings, but maintaining them required us to carry out substantial work to water the 1.2 km of track in order to ” welcome the horses in good conditions. In addition, it is also hardly conceivable in our region, to have to use cubic meters of water for four hours of races when so many others need it.

For the July races no change, they will take place on SUNDAY, JULY 4, 2021.


President of the Société des Courses de Vitteaux