If you are an influencer or business with plans to expand online or with a strong virtual presence, then you might have a page on Facebook already. With over 2.6 billion monthly active users worldwide, Facebook is undoubtedly one of the best platforms to promote your brand, product or website. 

If you are already present on the platform and tried to buy Facebook views or followers to get more engagement on Facebook, then you must’ve realised that it doesn’t help in the long run. To make things a little easier, we have listed some tips that you can use to make the most of Facebook’s Live feature and get more engagement on Facebook without spending a fortune! 

Plan your Facebook Live sessions

First and foremost, you need to plan your sessions in advance and follow some healthy practices to get more people to join your live sessions. Make sure you inform them in advance, by posting it in your stories, along with a catchy yet brief description and when you’re going to host it. 

Make sure you have good internet connection, proper lighting and no background noise and it is also advised that you go live for more than 15 minutes to get more engagement on Facebook!

Teach something 

Use Facebook Live to share your knowledge with your followers. This will not only rake in more views (so you don’t have to buy Facebook views) but also allow you to connect with your followers. You can plan a simple workshop where you can teach them to make something (make sure you mention the things they’ll need in the description when you inform them about your Live beforehand). 

Free educational content not only adds value to your page but will also help you gain more followers as it’s always received well on all platforms.  

Host a launch or talk show 

You can also arrange for some experts to join you on an ‘Ask Me Anything’ (AMA) session. You can use this opportunity to promote your page among a targeted audience, and build a community of like-minded people who are either enthusiasts or experts in your field which will help your business grow in the right direction. 

You can also cover product launches or post launch sessions further increase your sales and spread the word to ensure better promotion and advertising. 

Hangout and have fun 

People don’t like to interact with bots and if you don’t put some friendly faces out on your page, then it will be quite difficult to ensure organic growth of your page. It helps you be authentic, human and open to new conversations, interactions and helps people to relate to your brand or page. 

You can host quizzes, contests, lucky draws, karaoke nights or charity events, depending on the nature of your product and business goals. You can plan these casual sessions weekly or fortnightly to interact with your audience and get their feedback on a regular basis through debates, discussion or simple AMA.

Acknowledge and answer questions by viewers 

One of the most important points to keep in mind while hosting a Facebook Live is that you need to connect with your viewers. Make sure you read, reply and acknowledge their comments or questions so they don’t feel like it’s a one-sided conversation. 

Mentioning the name of the person whose question you are replying to or acknowledging a witty comment or two will instantly make them pay more attention to what you’re saying and the viewers will not only warm up to you but will also help you get more engagement on Facebook in future.

Go backstage with your audience 

One of the best ways to catch your viewer’s attention is to take them behind the scenes! You can do so by planning an exclusive tour of your office, showing them how you record videos or introduce them to some of your colleagues, partners or employees. 

Followers always appreciate a little sneak-peak and love to see how things are done behind the curtains. So use their curiosity to increase your engagement and you can also ask them for suggestions on what they want to watch on your next Live!

Create a Call to Action (CTA)

Last but not the least, you need to remember that you are putting in all these efforts to get more engagement on Facebook in terms of followers, likes, comments and shares. So make sure you add a strong call to action at the end of your live session so that those who are new to your page remember to follow it for future updates. 

You can lure them with a free ebook, newsletter, giveaway and/or exclusive content which they can subscribe to by signing up and following your page! 

Now that you have a list of tips to host a successful Facebook Live, make sure you follow them to get more engagement on Facebook. You don’t need to implement all the points listed above, as only some might suit your business goals and the nature of your page. 

Moreover, you can also keep an employee as a moderator to keep an eye on the comment section and save your Live so you can embed it in your webpage, promote it as a podcast or simply post it on your page so people can watch it later on!