The Minnesota State Fair has been around since 1859, and has only been canceled in the past because of the Civil War, the U.S.-Dakota War, Chicago World’s Fair, World War II, a polio outbreak, and this year, because of COVID-19 concerns. It’s a pretty big deal when the fair gets canceled, but this year, there are new ways to enjoy the traditions from home, including a meal kit you can order online.

The Minnesota State Fair is full of traditions, but the food might be one of its biggest. Like many other states, some of the most popular food stalls from the fair set themselves up as drive-thrus so the community could still enjoy their favorite treats. Now, a Minnesota-based company has put together “State Fair to Go” kits that can be ordered online.

These kits feature staples from the fair like cheese curds, corn dogs, French fries, chocolate chip cookies, and mini donuts. Each box goes for $59.95, and shipping will begin on August 17. Within the state of Minnesota shipping will be free, but elsewhere in the continental United States it will cost an additional $14.95 to get this sent to your doorstep.

Each box comes with enough goods to feed up to five people, but that’s assuming, of course, that you will want to share. All of the foods will come in the box and you’ll have to prepare them at home but there are detailed cooking instructions online. If you really want to try and channel the Minnesota State Fair experience, you can also watch livestreams of the butter sculpting and crowning of the new Princess Kay of the Milky Way online.

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