Traditionally at the end of the summer semester, the University of Applied Arts in Vienna will once again present works by its students that have been created in the past few months. The Oskar-Kokoschka-Platz near the university, which is to be transformed into a temporary sculpture, will serve as the outdoor home base for the third edition of the Applied Festival, which will take place from June 29th to July 2nd. There are also guided tours, interventions and performances at other locations.
In addition to guided tours through the exhibitions in the university buildings on Oskar-Kokoschka-Platz and the opposite Vorderen Zollamtsstraße and the new premises in the former Post Office Savings Bank, which the Angewandte has moved into, the public space is also used for numerous projects. The students from 23 departments use 23 advertising pillars in all 23 districts of Vienna as artistic presentation areas.
In the course of the festival, a hop-on-hop-off bus will curve through the streets, with the city “being provided with an alternative narrative of ‘VIENNA’ and new contexts on the surface,” as they say. While the Department of Fashion and Applied Photography invites you to play on the Vienna River along the Fritz-Wotruba-Promenade with a set of cards developed in-house, other students organize a “stroll through the difficult theater presence”. The “RE-ANIMATE VIENNA” project in an underpass in Meidling sees itself as a wall gallery to revive the city and its people after a year of pandemic.
This year’s festival edition is curated by Lena Kohlmayr with the support of Eva Maria Stadler and Martina Schöggl. Some events are explicitly located in the digital space – for example the theater-film hybrid “Emilia Digitalotti”, audio walks or various symposia.