Role of Marketing and Related Assignments in Business and Academic Fields

Marketing can be defined as the activities which are undertaken by the companies to promote their products among the buyers.

It mainly deals with advertising and selling of products and services to the customers to maximize huge profits. The respective department often conducts marketing on behalf of a business corporation, operating in any market or industry. The people engaged in marketing focus on attracting potential customers with the support of advertising, including celebrity endorsement and catchy slogans and design. Hence, in this modern world, students need to have adequate knowledge on the topic of marketing. This can help in enhancing the knowledge as well as the skills of the students on the same. It is highly essential for the students, especially those at a higher level. Marketing is directly associated with the targeted customers. Having an adequate understanding of the respective concept can assist the students in knowing the customers better. Thus, understanding the needs of the customers can help enhance the brand equity of the firms.

Additionally, customers largely contribute to the success as well as the failure of a business. Marketing knowledge further helps in reading and understanding the customers’ data, which can ultimately assist the companies in addressing the customers’ needs. In case the students still face problems to write a marketing essay, they can opt for an online essay writing service.


Formatting to Write Effective Essays

Students need to integrate a proper format to write essays. This type of academic paper mainly comprises three basic parts, including Introduction, Body and Conclusion. This is the most widely used structure to write essays. The Introduction section helps guide the readers, as the students need to introduce the topic in brief. This section of the paper is important, as it focuses on capturing the interest of the readers. Thus, this section must provide background information on the selected topic after gaining the reader’s interest. This may include general ideas provided to the readers to understand the key claim to be portrayed. This is then followed by the section of Body, which largely supports the key points that have been presented in the introduction section. Each point needs to be supported by more than one paragraph and further comprises specific details. Contextually, the details are further supported by research as well as experiences based on the given assignments. The body part is deemed to be an important element to write essays on a different topic. This is because it helps describe the selected issue briefly, thereby providing adequate knowledge to the readers.


The final section of academic essays is the Conclusion. In this section, all the paper findings are summarized in detail, reflecting the objective(s) of the topic selected. This further section provides readers with final thoughts and a sense of ending to the paper. It also emphasizes addressing all the implications of the paper. It is essential for the students not to add any new issue or point in the conclusion section.

Important Tips to Write Marketing Essays

To write high-quality essays, students need to select the right topics. Students should select such a topic, which they are familiar with. This is because choosing a familiar topic can help the students in gathering adequate information easily. Students need to read sample essays thoroughly. Business essays often need more focus as compared to other topics. Reading samples can help in enhancing the overall tonality as well as the writing approach. It is also vital for the students to be familiar with key terminologies that help provide adequate meaning to the sentences. Students must develop a mind map and conduct research. This needs to be followed by making a reasonable ordering of the main points. It is highly important to summarize the key aspects, which can help in indulging the overall paper. It further helps in identifying the major elements from the conducted research. Hence, considering these aspects can assist the students in writing essays of high quality.

Students need to have proper knowledge of the issue so that they can write a high-quality essay. Thus, the above-stated tips can assist them in writing the same by considering all the requirements of allocated essays by the universities effectively. This can help students in obtaining higher grades in examinations.