OwnCloud describes its future as Infinite Scale: The developers have put their cloud software on a completely new footing with a rewrite in Go. The hoped-for leaps in performance are enormous, as Martin Gerhard Loschwitz writes in the new iX 3/2021, and scalability should also benefit from this.

So far, the ownCloud applications were written in PHP – as a matter of course – in PHP 5 for a long time and finally in PHP 7. However, the project repeatedly came up against performance limits, especially in corporate use. Because even if the technical foundation for the holiday pictures was sufficient, even 30 constant users put the system to the test.

After the decision to completely re-implement ownCloud in Go and two years of work, the first technical preview is now available. It also offers a microservice architecture and the high-performance file system EOS developed at CERN. And this clearly shows the new focus of the project: The new oCIS is clearly designed for companies, because the increased complexity could overwhelm private users.

Readers can find a close look at the technical basis and how users can test ownCloud Infinite Scale now in the article:

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