We Provide International Civil Law Notary Services Worldwide

We handle civil law notary and apostille services worldwide and every state in the nation. Located in Florida allows our international notary fast response to your needs, no matter what state or country you are located in.
Contact Us For Services: https://www.floridacivilnotary.com/contact-us/ 

What is a Florida Civil Law Notary?

A Florida Civil Law Notary is a Lawyer with at least five years of experience in the practice of law, that is a member in good standing of The Florida Bar and has been appointed by the Florida Secretary of State as a Civil Law Notary. A Florida Civil Law Notary has undergone a difficult three day course on the history of civil law in countries around the world, and a half day exam that only about 50% pass on the first attempt. The exam is only given a few times every ten years.

What is the difference between a Civil Law Notary and Notary Public or “Regular” Notary?

The main, and most obvious, difference is that a Civil Law Notary MUST be a Lawyer appointed by the Secretary of State as opposed to a Notary Public who is only required to have high school education and completed a three hour course. Moreover, a Notary Public is a fraud-deterrent official that impartially witnesses the execution of legal instruments or documents. In contrast, a Civil Law Notary is responsible for the entire content of documents and provides legal advice on the transaction.

Why Florida Civil Law Notaries have to be lawyers?

Florida Civil Law Notaries have all the powers of Notaries Public (Common Law Notaries), plus many added powers and responsibilities. That is the reason behind the strict requirements. First, a Florida Civil Law, or International Notary, acts as the bridge that connects Civil Law jurisdictions and Common Law jurisdictions. Since, Civil Law jurisdictions vest ample powers to Notaries such authentication, drafting and validation of documents in all kinds of proceedings, these officials must have the necessary legal training to interpret and attest as to the validity of the documents as opposed as to simply attesting the identity of signatories of the documents. While a Notary Public will assure the person signing the documents is in fact that person, a Civil Law Notary will validate the legal sufficiency and authenticity of the contents of the document.

Additionally, a Civil Law Notary acts as a repository of legal documents, Notaries Public do not have the responsibility of storing and safe keeping the documents they sign.

Do I have to go back to my country of origin to execute legal documents and notarize them?

No, most legal documents that you may be required to execute to fulfil the requirements of Civil law jurisdictions may be validly drafted and witnessed by a Civil Law Notary anywhere in the world. In the United States, a Florida Civil Law Notary is authorized to draft Original Acts, authenticate and take oaths acceptable in all Civil Law jurisdictions accords the world so long that the country maintains diplomatic relationships with the United States.

Do I have to go to my consulate to execute and notarize documents so those would be valid in my native country?

No, although a consulate offers many services to serve and protect the interest of their citizens, they are not the only party authorize to validate and notarize documents outside of the geographic limits of each countries. International treaties have created several ways, including the office of the International Civil Law Notary, to assure that most transaction and legal proceedings can be efficiently performed with parties located around the globe. Currently, most legal documents required to fulfil the requirements of Civil law jurisdictions may be validly drafted by a Civil Law Notary anywhere in the world so long that the country maintains diplomatic relationships with the United States.

5 Convenient Locations

Oppenheim Law & Weston Title
2500 Weston Road, Suite 209
Weston, FL 33331
Tel 954-384-6114 | Toll Free 888-384-6114

7777 Glades Road, Suite 100
Boca Raton, FL 33434

500 East Broward Boulevard, Suite 1710
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33394

701 Brickell Avenue, Suite 1550
Miami, FL 33131

515 N Flagler Dr, Suite P-300
West Palm Beach, FL 33401

Originally posted at: https://www.floridacivilnotary.com/