Nuremberg – Christian Silberhorn (49) has petrol in his blood.
Now the real estate entrepreneur has had his own museum built for his car and motorcycle collection. Most of the 88 cars are BMW.
Silberhorn: “That was my first love for an automobile.”
One of the stars of the exhibition is an M1, the first super sports car from BMW. “I got it from a collection in Houston, Texas. He only has 7000 km on the clock. ”
In 1979 the M1 was the most expensive German car at a new price of 113,000 Deutschmarks. It is still one of the most valuable from Silberhorn.
“They are now being traded for around 600,000 euros.”
One of Silberhorn’s favorite pieces is a BMW 3.0 CSL.
“As I was sitting at the seller’s house, I suddenly read my date of birth, November 16, 1971. It was the day the car was first registered. From then on I found it difficult to keep a poker face and hide the fact that I really wanted the car. “
Silberhorn bought it with a lot of spare parts for 21,000 euros and put in 45,000 euros. A good investment.
Silberhorn: “I was offered 350,000 euros at an exhibition in the USA.”
The iconic Isetta, BMW’s post-war small car, is represented four times. The standard version, the convertible, the 600 with four seats and a flatbed truck, of which there were only 20 pieces.
Silberhorn: “I have every BMW that should be in an exhibition, except for one.”
A 507, Elvis drove one, Silberhorn is still missing.
Silberhorn’s second motorized passion is motorcycles, he has around 220. Either from BMW too – or from the glory days of Nuremberg motorcycle production. In the 1920s there were around fifty brands from Nuremberg and the surrounding area. Silberhorn has a BMW R32, the very first BMW motorcycle built in 1929.
Silberhorn: “Today it is worth over 100,000 euros.”
Another showpiece is a Viktoria Fahrmeister built in Nuremberg (1935-1937). At that time the machine was already 100 km / h fast.
The connection to Nuremberg is important to Silberhorn: “This is my city, I am Nuremberg through and through.”
Silberhorn has invested over four million euros in his museum in Nuremberg-Fischbach, and it should be ready in September.