Comfortable shoes are a must for walks and hikes. In order to be able to walk long distances in spring without any problems, we have selected hiking shoes for you in the sale. Models from trendy brands such as Nike, Jack Wolfskin, Timberland and The North Face are heavily discounted today.

With the rising temperatures, many people are spending their free time outside again. For longer excursions in nature and the surrounding area, suitable shoes are recommended in order to find a secure hold on uneven or slippery paths. Hiking shoes are usually stable and light and are very comfortable to wear. For walks in the city on sunny spring days, sporty sneakers are also a good choice and fashionable addition to your outfit.

Our top deals of the day are the “Adour M” hiking shoe for men by Icepeak for less than 60 euros and the Jack Wolfskin women’s hiking boots.

You don’t have to go without a trendy look for a high level of comfort! We’ll show you an overview of the best deals.

Our tip: At shops like About You and Görtz, the Glamor Fashion Week will take place until April 11th. With the right discount codes, there are additional discounts on fashion. It pays to be quick!

Highlights of the day for women and men


The “Adour M” from Icepeak for men is made of a waterproof upper material and has a profiled rubber outsole that ensures good grip. According to the manufacturer, the sporty outdoor shoe is small, so it is recommended to buy the model one size larger. Save 33 percent today at Otto compared to the RRP.


Our bargain tip: These casual lace-up boots from Timberland look particularly chic and modern. The 50 percent recycled PET lining is breathable and the PET laces are even made from 100 percent recycled plastic bottles. The shoes are currently available at Görtz in two shades of brown at half price!

€ 85.00 € 170.00 -50%


This hiking shoe from Jack Wolfskin is a practical companion on any surface thanks to its robust hiking sole with a non-slip profile. Its Texapore membrane is waterproof. At Otto, the shoe is currently heavily reduced in all sizes and colors.


The medium brown lace-up boots by Tamaris are made of suede and complement your look perfectly on long walks through the city. At Görtz, shoes are now 45 percent cheaper than usual!

Hiking shoes for women on sale

For women there is a large selection of functional and at the same time beautiful shoes for hiking. Many comfortable hiking shoes from brands such as Jack Wolfskin, The North Face and Adidas are now heavily discounted for women. We have selected some top offers for you:


The sporty “Adour M” from Icepeak is not only available for men (see above), but also for women: It consists of a waterproof upper material and a profiled rubber outsole for sufficient grip. According to the manufacturer, the shoe is smaller, so it is recommended to buy the model one size larger. At Otto you save 22 percent today compared to the RRP.


This hiking shoe for women and men is extra light thanks to its mesh content and therefore particularly comfortable for long hikes. The ortho-tec sole technology developed in collaboration with orthopedists is gentle on joints, ligaments and muscles. At Otto, the shoe is currently 30 percent cheaper!

€ 89.99 € 129.00 -30%


The “Jaguar W” from Hi-Tec scores with a material mix of airy mesh and hard-wearing synthetic. Padding at the entry of the lace-up shoe provides additional comfort. The outdoor shoe is the perfect all-rounder for on the go and is 29 percent cheaper at Otto in all sizes and colors!


Mammut’s women’s trekking shoes are breathable and waterproof, making them perfect for hiking in nature or for long walks through the city. The manufacturer is a member of the Fair Wear Foundation, which ensures compliance with social standards in clothing factories. At AboutYou and Amazon you can save up to 40 euros today.

€ 118.39 € 159.99 -26%

Hiking shoes for men on sale

Discounted hiking shoes for the next outdoor trip are currently available for men from top brands such as Nike, Timberland and Jack Wolfskin. For spring, these offers complement your outfit for the next excursion and are also greatly reduced!


The Biom Natural Motion technology of the hiking shoe by Ecco ensures a pleasant cushioning when stepping on. The shoe made of yak leather is hard-wearing as well as wind- and waterproof. At Amazon there is the shoe today in sizes 40 to 45 greatly reduced!


The “Newton Ridge Plus Ii” from Columbia is made of PU-coated leather, suede and mesh and offers your feet pleasant comfort even on longer hikes. The hiking shoe is now available at Amazon for almost half the price. Many sizes are already sold out, so it pays to be quick!


With the model from Jack Wolfskin you get a resistant and waterproof hiking shoe that offers optimal support even when hiking cross-country. Save 18 percent on all sizes at Otto today.


This stylish hiking shoe from adidas encloses your foot with the water-repellent Primeknit upper material for a perfect fit. The Continental rubber ensures a good grip on any surface even when it is wet. At Otto and Amazon you save 30 euros on many sizes compared to the RRP.

€ 169.99 € 199.99 -15%


These trendy boots by Nike offer safety when hiking thanks to their ankle-high fit. The high-quality leather upper and soft textile lining provide additional comfort. At Görtz you currently save 30 percent compared to the RRP on all sizes!


The lace-up boots from the popular brand Tommy Hilfiger are not only the ideal companion for long walks through the city, they also give your outfit a trendy look. The outdoor shoes made of sturdy leather are now available at Görtz 30 percent cheaper than the RRP!

€ 104.93 € 149.90 -30%

More deals of the day

Not only hiking and outdoor shoes are currently on sale, but also many products from other areas. We have put together a selection at greatly reduced prices that you can browse through at your leisure:

This is how we find the top deals

Our goal is to find the best bargains for you. When selecting products, we pay attention to the currently cheapest price, good ratings, various test results and good size availability (in fashion, for example). We select our top deals according to the best price and research independently. We compare the prices at major online retailers and can thus determine the real savings. The article is continuously updated so that you don’t miss out on a bargain.

For the products that are sold through this site, t-online receives a commission from the dealer. There are no additional costs for you as the buyer.